Let’s connect.

Pre-abortion calls can be an incredible way to prepare, ask questions, and get individualized support.

You deserve support.

If you’re preparing to have an abortion, you might be feeling a lot of things. Whether you’re feeling nervous, unsure, anxious, ready, or prepared, scheduling a call can be a great way to get 1:1 support.

What does pre-abortion support consist of?

I’m so glad you asked.

Every abortion is unique, so every pre-abortion session is unique. Sometimes we’ll answer questions and go over what to expect, other times we’ll put together a support plan and discuss resources for healing.

At the end of the day, I’m here to provide intentional, holistic support for my clients - regardless of where they’re at in the abortion process.

Intentionality can change your abortion story.

Having an abortion is a big life moment for many people and going about it in an intentional way can significantly improve your experience. Meeting with me is a great way to get prepared and make sure that you’re headed into your abortion from an informed place.

“If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”

— Florynce Kennedy